Let’s travel together.

عاجل : ليليان غارسيا تعلن رحيلها عن إتحاد wwe

ليليان غارسيا

أكيد أن مثل هذا الخبر سوف يزعج كثيرا متابعي و مشجعي إتحاد wwe خاصة ممن يحبون هذه المذيعة الناجحة، و الأكيد أن لها أسباب عديدة لقرار مغادرتها و رحيلها عن الشركة التي عملت فيها 17 سنة و عاصرت جميع المصارعين و كانت حاضرة على جميع المناسبات السعيدة و اللحظات السيئة و الحزينة 
رحليها في هذه الوقت بالذات سوف يكون سيئا جدا للإتحاد خاصة مع غياب مذيعات في المستوى و أيضا فشل البعض الآخر و رحيل إدن الأخير بعد أزمة الإتحاد مع زوجها كودي رودز
ليليان غارسيا قررت الرحيل سبب واحد و ذلك حسب ما نشرته في حسابه على الانستغرام، هو مرض والدها بالسرطان عفاني و عفاكم الله و قد سبق و نشرنا هذا الخبر في مواضيع سابقة إثر غيابه المفاجئ عن إحدى عروض الرو الماضية و بالتحري في المسألة تأكدنا مرض والدها و هذه المرة قررت البقاء معه على أن تبقى مذيعة داخل إتحاد wwe و شكرت الجماهير و اصدقائها على الوقوف معها 

I’ve been getting a lot of tweets and messages asking where I have been and if I’m coming back to WWE, so I wanted to let you know what has been going on and why I have been silent. I’ve been through so many emotions lately that they literally have kept me up at night. As most of you know, my father has been battling with two different types of cancer. He hasn’t been doing as well as we hoped, THEREFORE, I will not be traveling weekly with WWE any longer. I will be looking to take on work closer to where I live so that I don’t have to be on the road weekly away from him. He truly needs me, and I need this time with him. I ask that you please continue prayers for my father and my family.
It has been a magical 15-year career at WWE, and WWE Universe, I can’t thank you enough for all your love and support! I felt you every step of the way! I also want to thank the amazing WWE Superstars, whom many of them have become my friends! You are an incredible group of people with SO much talent! It has been such an honor to introduce you to the ring and watch your superior athleticism week after week. Thank you to the crew & production staff on the road and in the offices. I’ve seen you work so hard! You really are the glue that keeps it all together!
Lastly, thank you WWE for this incredible ride that I never wanted to get off. I’ve had experiences beyond my imagination. I thank you for not only allowing me to use my voice as an announcer but also sharing it to sing around the world. What an honor! I will cherish the memories forever.
This is not goodbye as I hope you all will follow me on social media to share in my next chapter. I thank you & I love you!!